Sunday, September 28, 2008


Grant decided to give me a heartattack today!We wanted to take the boys to a new park today. We got to the same one all the time and felt like mixing things up.

All was well for about ten minutes. Grant decided he wanted to slide. It was one of the ones that curve around twice. So I'm standing at the bottom waiting to catch him and he comes flying over the side! The damn thing is at least 10 feet tall! I run to catch him but my foot gets caught on the bottom of the slide and I trip. I miss him by about a foot and he lands flat on his back. He screams imediately and I grab him. Andy's running and yelling. Gage is running and yelling. Everyone is huddled around him. Gage is rubbing his arm saying "No cry Beboo. Gage is here."

After about 5 minutes he calms down, says "I'm done" and gets down and starts playing again like nothing happened.

He's fine now. I, however, am totally traumatized!

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