Friday, September 26, 2008

18 Months Already?!

Grant turns 18 months old today!! He's grown up so fast! He's changing everyday. He's picking up words more easily now. He's into everything. Temper tantrums are a daily occurance. But he's a total sweetheart.

He had his 18 month well check today. It went ok. He's been struggling with weight gain for a few months now. He's been pretty much the same weight since he was 12 months old. We've had him on Carnation Instant Breakfast for months, trying to plump him up. We've been going for monthly weight checks. He'd gained 5 oz since he visit a month ago. Not alot but the doctor was happy that it went up some.

His height and head circumfrence were the same as they were at his 15 month check-up.

They decided to check his hemoglobin and see if that was the cause for his low weight. Turns out, it was low. The doctor told us to pick up some over-the-counter liquid iron suplements. Hopefully that'll help some.

Otherwise, he's a healthy little man!

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